Thursday, 1 April 2021


I once saw a battlefield 
with none of the artilleries' din.
It was quiet as a sleeping baby
and mercy was not wished for
at the sharp end of the sword.
But the warriors were a multitude,
each stranded with his own battle before him.
No warrior is a match to the affronted power
and all are in search of the slaying weapon.
Some have chosen 
but what is secretly given to them all
is a brave face.


O how guilty it feels 
to choose a favorite out of a 
rippling, exuberant sea
and a quiet, pensive one.

But the sea of my mind,
hiding more questions than answers, 
more doubts than impulse
more tunnels than wide fields,
more me than the world,
that sea is a fire on some days
refusing to quell 
and on other days, 
it is a gentle, cool, insouciant breeze.
And I know not who has the power over it
but I(or Time already has?) am vying for control
to douse the fire.