Saturday, 4 January 2014

Do you have energy ?? - I

Yesterday I was reading an interview of Mr. RK Pachauri, director of The Energy Research Institute(TERI) of India. There he had praised Arvind's kejriwal's take on water and power supply and had also appreciated Narendra Modi's move on his action of fitting photovoltaic cells on water canals irrigating the fields of Gujarat. It was really a good idea to generate energy and save landspace because otherwise he would had to install solar energy plants which require much amount of land. Mr. Manmohan Singh, honorable prime minister of our country, yesterday, in the much awaited press conference said that the best moment of his tenure was when he was able to strike a nuclear deal with US. These two instances shot a thought in me that the world today needs energy, energy and some more energy. Why does a nation spends huge amount of money on testing the launching of their nuclear vehicles??  Because they know that anyhow the future of energy is nuclear energy sans the dangerous side effects because the technology till then will superpose these misleadings. So, if a city, a state or a nation wants to develop than I think that among many other tasks, it should focus on its energy production.

‘Narmada canals can give 2,200 MW of solar power’

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  • Shining bright: The Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, stands in front of a solar panel during the dedication and inaugration of India’s first 1MW canal-top solar power plant at Chandrasan village, 45 km from Ahmedabad. — Photo: Jaydip Bhatt
    Business LineShining bright: The Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, stands in front of a solar panel during the dedication and inaugration of India’s first 1MW canal-top solar power plant at Chandrasan village, 45 km from Ahmedabad. — Photo: Jaydip Bhatt

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