Saturday, 28 June 2014

his diary

Today he is sad. He contained in himself a mix of feelings, angry like a tornado with its full might, sad like a beautiful bird refusing to chirp, his weak and tensed face hoping for support like a plain creased paper resisting the punches of wind. It was not new to me. It was a long time ago but yes, I had seen him like this before also. I am accustomed to all his avatars. On somedays, he would be on the top of the world because he had been selected to preside over an important event of the company, then many days would pass normally discussing just the progress of that event, then someday he would talk about how he stealthily popped again and again out of his cubicle just to admire the beauty of his crush!!, any other day he would just nostalgically pen down poems, some day he would promise me that he would be making drastic changes in himself with an immediate effect ,for his betterment,  his success and sometimes he would be completely down just because of a vacuum of confidence of finishing his assigned work with efficiency and perfection. But I have a complete record  of his getting success everytime he was not sure of getting it. I was there for him all these days, even the ones when he talked that he had got another friend like me, when he talked that 'she' was exactly like me. Today was no different.  Today also he is lacking that confidence. Today he is thinking of a resignation from his post because he is not able to absorb the work pressure. Its not different. He will come to me and I will make him reminisce his past accomplishments.  He will take time to think, will keep on putting his views to me but I can handle it. Let him start...
-his diary

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