Sunday, 19 October 2014

-- Feelings --

The leaves, bullied by reckless rains,
never do they wail.
The scorching sun, acting haughtily
vanquishes their young tender green
to old fragile yellow.
But the leaves bear all,
sans any feelings, they die to nothingness.

O God ! acquit me of feelings or I will fear my death.

The river, connoting strength,
zooms through its path
laid down by our mother earth,
fearing never a capricious fall
or a duel with the boisterous rocks.
The river flows eternal
sans any feelings, it bluffs every failure.

O God ! acquit me of feelings or I will succumb to failures.

The flower, fostering in the bind
of mother earth,
its affable fragrance, cherishing the wind
plucked by many,
never did it retort back,
never did it concoct a revenge
sans any feelings, it delights everyone.

O God ! acquit me of feelings or I will bow to the Satan.

The stone, playing the nemesis
amid this realm of bonding.
harrowing every testimonial of strength,
breaking ties, kindling fire
never will it delude from its duty,
sans any feelings, it turns harsh.

O God ! acquit me of feelings or I will divert from my duty.

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